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"Why is slowness always more poetic?"
The clash between the syncopated frenzy of contemporary Western society and the internal metabolic dilation often generates a
deep restlessness in the bodies. "Silence?" it is a performative work that investigates the qualitative dimension (emotional, perceptive,
tactile..) of speed and slowness, within the
relationship between two bodies. Starting from this relationship that generates sounds and landscapes, the scene is woven with specific tensions: fragility, violence, rigor and confusion are the characteristics of a space that takes root in everyday life, to be placed elsewhere. Speed ​​and slowness are defined in emotional terms of great impact, conveyed by a dense and tense silence, by sharp and pounding sounds generated by the movements of the performer. The sound resulting from the relationship between the two bodies on stage, and amplified by radio microphones positioned in the performer's body, are the materialization of possible landscapes of slowness and speed.


by and with Nuvola Vandini




Live sound design Massimo Nardinocchi

Mentoring Claudia Dias, John Ashford, Iris Karayan, Francesca Lattuada

Artistic support Lucia Palladino

Created in the frame of IFA - Inteatro Festival Academy, Polverigi.


 Awarded IFA 2014- Inteatro;

selected by Anticorpi per il Percorso GDA Nuove Traiettorie XL 2015/16

Has been presented at: Festival Inteatro 2014; Festival 40zero54: Dispositivi di Danza Contemporanea 2015; Dancewoods Festival 2015

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